Freelance Journalist (current)
Freelance writing and editing for clients, including United Press International, MJH Life Sciences, The Topeka Capital-Journal, Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Wyoming Business Report, American City Business Journals, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.
• Editing breaking news stories for spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, factual accuracy, flow and objectivity under tight time constraints.
• Producing stories with SEO strategies to maximize engagement, using relevant keywords, photos, videos and hyperlinks.
• Offering guidance and constructive feedback to writers.
• Filling in as assignment editor on occasion and writing aggregated news articles.
• Covering infectious diseases with stories geared toward health care providers.
• Summarizing scientific research and adding original quotes from expert sources.
• Writing social media posts to promote stories.
• Reporting, interviewing and writing long-form articles and news coverage of events.
Kansas City Business Journal (2004-2013)
Research Director
• Researched Kansas City-area companies by conducting interviews, searching the internet and administering online surveys.
• Produced lists of top area businesses published weekly and compiled in the annual Book of Lists.
• Maintained an accurate and detailed database of information about Kansas City-area businesses using FileMaker Pro.
• Assisted editors and reporters with research related to print and online news stories.
Associate Editor
• Planned editorial content, assigned stories, and worked with design editor to conceptualize cover designs for weekly in depth sections and 10-15 annual special sections.
• Completed advance research, such as meeting industry sources and experts, to produce topical, compelling sections.
• Performed line editing, wrote headlines and determined placement of stories.
• Worked with publisher, events coordinator and others to ensure successful events tied to awards sections, including soliciting nominations, convening and moderating judging panels, writing scripts, and speaking at awards events.
• Managed freelance contributions, including establishing contracts with competent freelancers, working with editor to determine freelance budget and keeping a record of spending.
Sun Publications (2002-2004)
• Managed the newsroom staff of about 10 employees, including responsibility for hiring.
• Directed editorial content for The Sun’s five Johnson County editions.
Associate Editor
• Assisted the editor with managing the newsroom.
• Guided reporters in developing stories.
• Completed writing, editing, page layout and administrative tasks, including coordinating freelancers.
The Topeka Capital-Journal (1998-2002)
Reporter/Copy Editor
• Developed feature and profile articles and covered spot news on deadline.
• Oversaw the weekly Farm & Auction supplement.
• Copy edited and paginated two nights a week.
Business Reporter
• Covered the agriculture beat and other business news stories.
• Oversaw the weekly Farm & Auction supplement.
The Daily Union (1997-1998)
Acting Managing Editor
• Supervised seven reporters and photographers and led daily news budget meetings.
Local Editor
• Copy edited and paginated.
• Covered the education beat and general assignments.